Sunday, March 28, 2010

RABBIT{oryctolagus or Lepus}

1.leping mammal lives in grasslands.
2.warm blcoded or homiothermal animal.
3.jBody is bilaterally symmetrical and covered with short soft hairs the fur which is dusty brown in colour with a white patch under the tail.
4.The body is divisible into four regions (a)head; neck ;trunk; tail.
5.The snout possesses a number of special hairs called feelers or vibrissae or whiskers which are tactile organs.
6.Above the head there is a pair of long movable trumpet shaped external ears called pinnae.
7.Nares nd a pair of prominent eyes are also present in the head .
8.jTrunk is divisble into two anterior narrow thorax and posterior abdomen.
9.on theventral side of the trunk female possesses four or five pairs of teats or mammae.


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