Saturday, March 27, 2010


Rana tigrina is the common indian frog which is found in fresh wter ponds ditches pools under stones and in damp p;aces except arid parts of the country the periods of its great activity re spring and rainy seadond As soon as the winter starts the activitiesof the frog cease and it becomes sluggish. Hibernation frogs are cold blooded animals or poikilothermal or ectothermal the temperature of the animals is not ccoustant but it varies according to the tempreture of the environment During winter the frog digs down into the damp earth at the atthe bottom of the ponds or in damp places almost near the source og lakes ponds or streams This is called as winter sleep or hiberation in this conditoon they lie in a dormant condition until the next spring the skin is moisttherefore respiration takes place through the skin.The general vital activities of the animal areso low that the little expenditure of the energy is needed to maintain life frog does not respire with the lungs the temperature of the body also becomes so low that it os only a few degrees above that of the surrounding medium frog does not take any food but maintains all itsphysiological activities at the expense of foos material stored in the tissues in the form of glycogen is very essential as certain amount of combustible material is required even when the temperature of the frog stored during the summer when frog feeds voraciously and it is expanded gradually through the wintermonths heart beating goes on during winter and various physiological activities are supported by the food during winter growth of thw sexul products increase at the expense of the other parts of the animal.


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