Wednesday, March 24, 2010


organs of sight or eye of frog are a pair of globular structures situated in the large oebits on both the sides of the head each eye is so plced that it can cover diffrent fields of vesion.The outermost layer is known as sclerotic , it consists of cartilage and dense white connective tissue .The sclerotic leeps the eye shape of the eye ball and serves as a surface for the attachment of the eye muscles,sclerotic is opaque but its anrerior part is tranaparent and is known as cornea.It is covered by a dlicate transparent membrane called the conjunctiva, which is formed by the eidermis and is continuous with the inner linings of the eye lids ,The conjunctiva is supplied with thin blood capillaries an is kept moist by the secretion of harderian glans which are situated in the orbit below the eye ball.Within the sclerotic is the choroid layer which is closely applied to the sclerotic.It consists of loose and higly vascular cinnective tissue having numerous dark pigment-cells.


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